Chicken wings, India, storyliving & more This month, we are telling you about: 1. Super bowl figures, starting with the number of chicken wings: 1.5 billion! 2. How to break into the booming...
Retail trends Second-Hand retail: Shifting Consumer Trends & Strategy The quick rise of the second-hand market within the retail industry owes itself to a significant...
Retail trends Have you seen a dragon? 5 hot retail news for January In case you missed it, dragons have invaded the retail planet this month. This invasion confirms...
Retail trends Sustainable Retail: the new materials revolutionizing point-of-sale advertising French version In this era of ecological awareness, advertisers are seeking to reinvent their...
Retail trends AW 24-25 colors according to @merchandising_trends French version In a world dealing with economic, political, and environmental challenges, the...
Retail trends IDEAL OR SUBLIMINAL CHRISTMAS SHOWCASE FRENCH VERSION The Christmas windows in Paris are finally revealed! The world flocks to Boulevard...
Retail trends 5 MOST EAGERLY-AWAITED STORE OPENINGS While stores are decked out in their finest decorations to celebrate the end of the year, the...
Retail trends 10 RETAIL TRENDS TO WATCH IN 2024 As 2023 comes to a close, it's high time to consider what the next 12 months will bring. The retail...
Retail trends IN JUST 1 HOUR: PARIS'S MOST BEAUTIFUL SHOP WINDOWS ARE YOURS TO EXPLORE! French version Do you have time to spare and want to stay updated on the latest trends in window...
Retail trends RITUALS, AI, ESSILOR AND MORE... The power of the mind from every angle... From Rituals' Mind Oasis spa to AI's coexistence with...