Retail Experience Vs Relationship

Retail Experience Vs Relationship
What do my customers want? The savviest retailers have always been asking this question to themselves but now, more frequently than ever, and rightly so. With the changing notion of product and service offering, leading brands and retailers are understanding that they are in the customer experience business, and also how a brand delivers for the clients is as important as what it delivers
A client experience is not only an integral part of the overall marketing and growth strategy for any brand but also leads to developing strong relationships with the client. In a world that is full of product and service offerings, what makes it relevant to the brand?
During the client journey, brands get the chance to interact with the clients, entice them and leave a trace in their minds. All of these combines to provide a memorable client experience that defines the relationship the brand is going to have with its clients.
Interaction through the customer's eye
Today, the way we think about brands is changing. In the past, every brand was supposed to be indicated with objects or services. But, not anymore. We as consumers, talk about the overall experience that the brand is providing instead of just one product. We had a relationship with a product but now, it is with a brand as a whole. Earlier, brands were dictating their clients but today, it is the choice of the client whether to enter into a relationship with the brand or not. With this, every brand is trying to define their kind of relationship to create greater engagement, differentiation, and hence, loyalty.
As customers love to engage with brands, they can connect to it on an emotional level and hence create moments/experiences that define the relationship between them. Such relationship not only transcends the transactional aspect but also dictates loyalty, retention, etc. Therefore, quantifying on what matters to the client the most helps a brand to maintain focus, have a positive impact on customer satisfaction, and begin the process of redesigning functions around customer needs.
Photo: Casper blog
Who would buy a mattress online, you may ask? A mattress is typically considered a 'fit product' that customers want to try out in person, then what difference does Casper make? This bed-in-a-box company has innovated its customer experience to provide value to the client in different ways. In its efforts to create an even more comfortable night of sleep, it’s imperative to study the relationship between the products, the humans snuggling on and under them, and the environment in the house around them, because it’s something the brand can influence through design and engineering. And that's what exactly, Caper is doing.
Photo: Casper
Casper does extensive testing with real human sleep subjects in order to develop their products. Therefore, they call the offer as “Innovation with a purpose” and “Engineered with comfort.” The brand not only focused on the specific need of the client but made its service unique and easy that...
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I am a Brand Image leader working in Retail and tech passionate about 360° storytelling. I'm also keen on travel and wildlife. I have a strong experience in building and implementing communications strategies (consumer, corporate, BtoB, social media) consistent with marketing levers and business needs. I have always been working in fast-paced environments and have experienced early days of companies that have known tremendous growth.